plowing with a team of 3 mules and a horse
old time hay stacks in 1912

Left --Evelyn & Millie Hubka.
Right, on top of the stack, Joe & Ferdinand Hubka. Bottom of stack -- name obscured. Evelyn was a daughter of Amos Hubka, and the Evelyn, Ferdinand, and Joe were children of Amos's brother Joe Hubka. Photo 2005, shared by John Duder. The names come from another copy shared by Steve Staley.
haymaking at the kalina farm
harvest at stepaneks
Julie fritchI posted this on Facebook and asked what the device was. Julie filled me in:
I think they are baling loose hay to square bales. The horse goes around the turnbuckle and the drive shaft runs the baler that the middle man is standing by. So the horse walks round and round, stepping on the connection to the bailer as he goes.
tim nord adds information |
The Historical Society's copy of this photograph does not identify the men. When I posted this on Facebook, Historical Society member Tim Nord recognized them as Stepaneks. He is the son-in-law of Lawrence and Nettie Stehlik, and Nettie had this same photograph in her collection.

Haymaking with Henry Hays. Lloyd Vrtiska looked at this photo and said, "That's the kind of haystack I fell off of and broke my hip." He was young, playing with other kids, and accidetally got pushed off. He was in the hospital in Lincoln for a year; his family took the train to see him.
Photo 1515.
bowens in the field
table rock. yes, table rock. we know how to grown corn.
gordon bethel ready to husk corn
last steam harvest in the county
1946 harvest
a corn sheller draws comments
When posted on Facebook in March 2018, this photo taken by Arvid Blecha in about 1942, led to more than one discussion. Chief among them were the empty lots on either side of Knapp's IGA in the middle of the blocks, filled with trees -- the aftermath of the disastrous fire of 1920 that wiped out most of the block The other discussion was about that truck in the foreground. "What IS that? A...." "
This is one of many such conversations on the Historical Society's facebook page, where photographs of all kinds are posted: Nothing earthshaking, just folks having fun remembering.