Always a summer center of music and fun, there have been at least two -- a wooden one at first, replaced by one of brick in the 1920s.
circa 1918 - a fundraiser for a "new" bandstand
circa 1924-1926
Photo 1401, undated. The water tower was put up in 1924. The landscape around the bandstand looks established.
The extensive landscaping described in 1926 and showing up in pictures in the late 1920s would be in the foreground, in part, but is not. Those are the main factors to help date this photo.
1920s - the bandstand in use
1927 - the new bandstand amidst spectacular landscaping
the story behind the astonishing beauty of the park includes the caretaker, mr. joseph hayak, "who loves the park as he would a child...." Mr. Hayak is soon discovered to be a veteran of the indian wars.
1936: the park board was, i mean, serious!
Ed Steiner lead a crew to put up the new, permanent, platform. With a crew of 25 or 30 men, they poured the second of five supports. Note that they met at Johnnie's Cafe -- Johnnie Clark had a cafe that was in what is now the Argus museum.
1954: the hanna family enjoys a reunion
With the vision and leadership of Kim Vrtiska, a new dance floor seating area were built in front of the stage uder the sponsorship of the Table Rock Community Club. Major Donors included the Vrtiska family, Pawnee County Promotional Network, the Pawnee County Board of Commissioners (from the Lodging Tax Improvement Fund), the Table Rock Historical Society, and others. Various families and organizations donated benches. Dedication night was held at the end of June 2022, with a performance