the veterans museum
This museum hosts photographs of veterans from the Civil War forward, displays of numerous military uniforms, and extensive personal histories for many of the veterans.
The museum is also packed with other memorabilia with everything from school band uniforms to the chemical fire apparatus that failed to work when needed in 1920, to a beautiful kitchen range, and more.
The museum is also packed with other memorabilia with everything from school band uniforms to the chemical fire apparatus that failed to work when needed in 1920, to a beautiful kitchen range, and more.
some of the school music memorabilia
some of the school sports memorabilia
the mortuary exhibit
The Kovanda mortuary was present for many years. There were also furniture stores that sold coffins and other morticians as well over the years. These items are related to mortuaries but are not necessarily from Kovanda's.
Below is a Victorian watch chain made by Chauncey Wilcox from the hair of Clara Martin. This kind of thing was often made from the hair of a deceased person as a memento, but Clara was very much alive when this was made. According to the card with the exhibit, it was made in 1889. Clara was only 20 and Chauncey was 22. Clara married Charlie McCourtney in 1892, and Chauncey went obn to marry Agnes Smith, date uncertain. This item was likely more of a friendship or sweetheart memento. Clara Martin McCourtney died in her 30s and is buried in the Table Rock Cemetery. Chauncey lived a long life and is buried in the Cleer Creek Cemetery west of Table Rock.