people in the table rock cemetery
a - m
under construction
adam & leonora allinson
jonathon & lydia allison
jonathon (1813-1889)
Their daughters Lydia, Maggie Allison Chambers, and Julia Allison Chambers are also at rest in the Table Rock Cemetery. |
lydia (1819-1885) |
may anderson, wife of vic anderson, and gardy anderson, vic's brother
dann & lydia andrew & their grandson dick
John & Eleanor Aylor
21 members of the extended Aylor family are buried in the Table Rock Cemetery.

John & Eleanor Aylor and family, shared by Pam Kramer. They were married about 1850 in Union County, Ohio. Children back row: Alva Norris, Mary Effa, Charles William, Ella Marie, John Luther
Front row: Georgia Ann (parents John and Eleanor) Margaret Ollie, Zella Belle (standing). All but one child is in this picture, that being James, who had stayed behind when the family moved from Iowa to Nebraska; he had stayed because he was married.
son of john & eleanor - WILL AYLOR & WIFE WILMA HEYWOOD
TABLE ROCK ARGUS, Feb. 5, 1903.
Wilma (Katie) D. Aylor Wilma Duluth, the seven-weeks-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. William Aylor, passed away early on Friday morning. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. A. W. Shamel, and interment took place from the home at 4:20 p.m. The child was a very bright and beautiful one; its death was quite sudden, only three days of sickness and has fallen heavily upon the hears of the parents, relatives and friends. We commend them to the Great Comforter, and extend our sympathy. - A. W. S. |
TABLE ROCK ARGUS, Mar. 12, 1908.
Elva, eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Aylor, died at the family home in Napier at 10 o'clock on Monday night, from pneumonia, from which she had been a sufferer for ten days. The remains were brought to Table Rock on Tuesday night, and the funeral services were held at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Heywood, on Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C.E. Ruch. It had been arranged to have the funeral at the Methodist church but the illness of the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Aylor, who was attacked with the same disease on Wednesday morning, made a change of arrangements necessary. The little fellow is some better this morning. The deceased was born in Table Rock where the parents were born and raised, and where they lived until a few years ago, when Mr. Aylor's work as a railroad man took him to Napier. |
hannah aylor bowen
Table Rock Argus, Mar. 14, 1912.
Mrs. Hannah Bowen who for many years was a resident of Table Rock vicinity where her children were born and raised, died at the home of her son, Luther Bowen, in Wymore, on Sunday afternoon, from ailments incident of old age. the remains were brought here and buried beside those of her husband in Table Rock cemetery, the funeral services being held in the Christian church at 10 o'clock conducted by Rev. Gates pastor of the M. E. Church at Wymore, being attended by all her sons who are living and many other friends and relatives. OBITUARY- Hannah Aylor was born in Richland county, Ohio, June 29, 1834 and died at the home of her son in Wymore, Neb., March 10, 1912, aged 77 years, 9 months and 10 days. She moved with her parents to Iowa in 1851, where they settled on a farm in Appanoose county. On the 12th of October, 1854 she was married to L. C. Bowen. To this union ten children, four girls and six boys were born, seven children and the husband preceded her in death. In the autumn of 1884 she moved with her family to Nebraska where she has since resided. Her last years being spent at the home of her youngest son L. N. Bowen of Wymore, where she was the adored object of the little ones whose companionship she enjoyed to the fullest. She united with the Christian church in the early years of her life and remained a faithful and consistent member to the end. In her life she knew a great deal of sorrow, but she made this a stepping stone to a higher life and closer communion with God. She was always ready to lend a helping hand where ever she was needed, often going beyond her strength, but never complaining. Everything that loving care and medical skill could do was done for her. But the debility of age had fastened on her with a relentless grip, and was calling her home where pain and sorrow shall be no more. She leaves to mourn her loss two brothers and three sons, George E. of Brock, Rufus D. of Steinauer and Luther N. of Wymore, besides ten grandchildren by whom she will be greatly missed. Truly a just woman has gone to her reward. The remains were taken to Table Rock, her former home, Tuesday where the funeral was held and interment made.-Wymore Arbor State |
clyde & viola moss barnard
Samuel & Anna Barnard were Clyde's parents.
jay & mabel GOODALE barnard
john barrett (1826-1891)
MATILDA (tillie) raitora beck (1899-1973)
& her sister helen raitora (1898-1978)
HOWARD BEDEA (1916-1944)
Gordon Bethel, his first wife Gertrude, his second wife Minnie
howard and norma wopata binder
Norma in high school -- back row, third from the left: Shared by Fran Blecha.
william and Katherine binder & three of their five children
William & Katherine came to America from Germany. Their children: Anna, Will, Charles, Hattie, and Wes. Anna is buried in Sandiego. Will. Hattie's resting place is unknown. The other three are buried in the Table Rock Cemetery.
civil war veteran john bush, wife rebecca jane, and their daughters
John and Rebecca and two of their daughters, Lottie Bush Horton & Ella Bush Skillit, are buried in the Table Rock Cemetery.
the carters
gibson gooseberry carter (1843-1921) &
his wife sarah burlington carter (1854-1929)
married in 1868

The photo was shared on Mr. Carter's memorial by “Husker fan." Mr. & Mrs. Carter are in the front row center.
Their children (which is which?) Samuel (1874 - 1954). William (1877 - 1956), Benjamin F Carter (1878 - 1917). John Babe Carter (1885 - 1927). Harry B. Carter (1886 - 1917). and Earl Carter (1892 - 1919).
son of gibson & sarah carter, john babe carter (1885-1927)
son of gibson & sarah carter: william (bill) carter and his wife jane harris carter
sam & mary jane purcell engbery
We have no picture of Sam, who died in 1884. We have only one of Mary Jane, in a family picture shared by Historical Society member Terry Korell. Mary Jane is the first woman on the left. In front of her is her half brother George Purcell. Next to her is her daughter Maggie Enberry and Maggie's husband Ora Crisler.
helen fisher roberts (1868-1904)
Civil War Veteran peter gold with his wife julia
emil goodenkauf, 1888-1968
edward & abi hansen
In the year 1888, Edward & Abi, with daughters Anna Belle (left) and Ada (Right), and in back, sons Lawrence, Calvin, Alfred, James, & Albert. Photo 646.
Edward Hansen's obituary tells a humdinger of a story:
Edward Hansen was born in Sweden in 1831. As a young man, he took a job as a ship’s carpenter aboard a ship sailing out of Norway. That took him to London, where he then picked up a contract on another Norwegian ship to go to Quebec, Canada for ship timber. Here’s the best part. “There came a storm and the ship was wrecked, but no lives were lost because there came an American ship and took all on board…The Norwegian ship’s crew was taken to New York. All returned to Norway, except Mr. Hanson, who never went back.” That was apparently in 1853. In 1856, he headed west for Wisconsin then a short while later headed for Missouri. There, he met and married Abi Bloom. That was in 1860 and by that Fall, Edward and Abi were in Table Rock. They had seven children, including five boys. |
Edward & Abi Hansen's son albert, his first wife, malvina ward
edward & abi hansen's daughter ada with husband osyman fellers
edward & abi hansen's daughter anna belle & 1st husband lewellyn fellers
Edward & abi's son calvin
The Hansons -- Lorens & Grace Hanson and their two sons James and John -- came from England. Lorens had been a seaman in his youth. James Hanson married Marie Stehlik-- they had no children. John Hanson married Elma Bennington, and whether they had children is unknown. Lorens, Grace, and their son James are buried in the Table Rock Cemetery. This photo of James is the only one we have of the family.
John & eva
their children: Howard, Melvin, John, Lester, Ernest, Wayne,
Clifford ("Pete") & Arthur. TWO DIED IN INFANCY.
Wedding portrait of John & Eva Harris, married February 27, 1901:
Civil War veteran John Whippletree Hastings is buried here, as are descendants who were also veterans. His grandson Leo Hastings was killed in World War II at the ferocious battle of Guadalcanal. Leo went to school here, but the family moved away before he graduated. (His brother Charles graduated from here, though.) Leo is buried here.
Here is Leo in the 1935 Table Rock High School football team. He's in the front row, 5th from the left. Photo 6477, shared by Fran Blecha. |
Read more about Leo Hastings on this page:
silas & elizabeth hays
Silas and Elizabeth Hays ad family. Back row: Adam Hayes holding a baby, [illegible] Hays, Jim Hays, Bert Hays, tom Hays, Frank Hayes, Jennie Davis, Joe Hays, on far right are Maude & John Herr with baby Cecile just in front of them. In the front row Grandma and Grandpa Hays are identified, and to the right of Grandma Hays is their daughter Maud Heer.
the heers
ben heer and his first wife, martha
In 1902, Ben and Martha Heer, their children, and grandchildren, in front of their grand farm house. Photo 673. Some of the names are difficult to read, but this is our best interpretation. In this photo, Ben and Martha, identified as Grandma Heer and Grandpa Heer, are in the front row, first two on the left. The names written above the others are: Frank Heer, Grandmother Heer, Alice Heer Warner, Charles Heer, Grandpa Heer, Kate Heer Law, Marion Heer, (the little girl: (Annie?) Heer Johnson; Mae _surname here_____ Heer, baby Ernest Heer held by A_____ Heer, girl holding doll is Ellen Heer (Hastings?), Ma___(Martha) H___ Heer, ____ Heer Carl, _______ Heer, and baby (Pearl) Heer Bowen.
ben heer & his second wife, anna belle Fellers
After Martha died, Ben married Anna Belle Fellers, a widow with children.
john heer (1874-1941) and his wife, maude hays heer (1880-1973)
the lanes
charles henry & harriet goodale lane
Charlie Lane was one of three children of George & Clara Cooper Lane (see below). Hattie was born in 1868, Charlie in 1871; they died in 1930 and 1943. Thanks to Bob & Jeanne Bethel for sharing the Lane photos below.
george & clara cooper lane

Historical Society member Luella Hinrichsen, poring over old editions of the Argus in search of obituaries, came across the lovely story about a special anniversary.
TABLE ROCK ARGUS, July 11, 1924.
Wedded Long, Long Ago- On July 3, 1870 a wedding ceremony was performed which united the loves of two Table Rock young people. So tightly was the knot tied that all the storm and stress of the intervening years have not been able to break it, and the husband and wife are living together today in contented and happy old age in Table Rock.
The contracting parties to this wedding of fifty-four years ago were George M. Lane and Miss Clara Cooper, popular young people of this community, and members of prominent pioneer families of the community.
George had a fine team of horses, but no buggy, and so he went to C. H. Norris, who owned the only buggy then in Table Rock, hitched his own horses to it and in pride and happiness the young couple took their honeymoon trip....
They commenced life together on a farm west of Table Rock. For the past quarter of a century or more they have lived in town having retired from the farm.
Since they began life together they have always lived here in Table Rock, their children were born and grew to manhood and womanhood here, and two of them- Charley and Mrs. Gibbs- still live here, while Mrs. Parker lives at Wymore.
They realize that time has wrought great changes in conditions in Table Rock and Nebraska, for they have lived through them in the years of their married life, and as they go on down the journey of life hand in hand it is the hope of their many friends that joy and happiness will follow them to the journey's end.
George died in 1925 at age 76, Clara in 1931 at age 77. When they married in 1870, George was 21 and Clara 16.
TABLE ROCK ARGUS, July 11, 1924.
Wedded Long, Long Ago- On July 3, 1870 a wedding ceremony was performed which united the loves of two Table Rock young people. So tightly was the knot tied that all the storm and stress of the intervening years have not been able to break it, and the husband and wife are living together today in contented and happy old age in Table Rock.
The contracting parties to this wedding of fifty-four years ago were George M. Lane and Miss Clara Cooper, popular young people of this community, and members of prominent pioneer families of the community.
George had a fine team of horses, but no buggy, and so he went to C. H. Norris, who owned the only buggy then in Table Rock, hitched his own horses to it and in pride and happiness the young couple took their honeymoon trip....
They commenced life together on a farm west of Table Rock. For the past quarter of a century or more they have lived in town having retired from the farm.
Since they began life together they have always lived here in Table Rock, their children were born and grew to manhood and womanhood here, and two of them- Charley and Mrs. Gibbs- still live here, while Mrs. Parker lives at Wymore.
They realize that time has wrought great changes in conditions in Table Rock and Nebraska, for they have lived through them in the years of their married life, and as they go on down the journey of life hand in hand it is the hope of their many friends that joy and happiness will follow them to the journey's end.
George died in 1925 at age 76, Clara in 1931 at age 77. When they married in 1870, George was 21 and Clara 16.