editors of the argus
Frank Taylor, one of the two Long time editors of the argus.
Frank Taylor bought the Argus in 1887. He operated it until close to this death in 1934. There was a period of time where he did not operate the paper, in 1912 and possibly until 1917; it was operated by Ott Barnes in 1912 and 1913 at least.
Rudy Senft - the other long-time editor of the argus
Rudy Senft came to the paper in 1940 as an employer. He bought it a few years later. Here is Photo 251, an excerpt from a photograph of a 1943 high school football team that Rudy coached. He would have been 29 years old:
Biography of Rudy not completed yet.
Statement of ownership in the February 7, 1893 edition:
Here is an ownership statement from a March 11, 1909 edition of the Argus. It also mentions that the paper is "Republican in Politics."t
Statement of ownership from February 7, 1909 edition.