R. C. Cotton
Document 42, a 1911 Pocket Directory to Table Rock, Nebraska, includes some business advertisements. Cotton advertised. "For reliable goods call on R. C. Cotton, dealer in jewelry, watches, clocks, silverware, etc. Watch and jewelry repairing a specialty."
In 1912, Cotton moved to a store M. H. Marble's buildings to the west. In this undated picture, Cotton is on the left, Marble on the right. As a clue to the time period, here is a photo with Judge Marble dated 1905 (and elsewhere 1908) at the right.
The undated photo with Cotton and Marble is Photo 200, below. Is Marble the owner, or a visiting friend? |
Cotton advertised in virtually every edition of the Argus, selling watches, jewelry, eyeglasses, radios, even band instruments....
When the Pastime Theater was opened in 1916, he immediately gave tickets as bonuses to customers who paid on their accounts. December 22, 1916: