william g. "bill" tomek
things related to going to school in table rock

Bill went to Table Rock all the way through, graduating in 1950. Following a stint in the Army and graduation from college, he had a long career as a professor at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, where he still lives. He has kept close to his roots and has been a frequent visitor in Table Rock the weekend of the annual Tomek reunion.
This particular collection of items has to do with the Table Rock schools.
pictures of some of the members of the class of 1950
from pages of bill's album
Betty Kotalik, Elma Lee Penkava, Marilyn Miller, Janet Minchow, Carol Tegtmeier, Joan Clark, Harold Diehm, Richard Giles, Gary Brian, Harold Diehm,
1946 - 8th grade diploma & valedictory speech by bill tomek
This photograph was in the Historical Society's collection, and in 2015 a message was sent to Bill, through Tim & Merilee Stehlik Nord, asking him to confirm it was him. Bill responded,
Yes, the photo is of me. I was not athletic, but a small school needs just about everyone to play when you have an eleven-man team. By the way, we were undefeated in my senior year (1949-50). |