the year 1930
Sophomore picnic down at the Nemaha river
ads inviting you to buy a "universal tractor guide" to "steer your tractor clear across the field," fix a sick car, hire a blacksmith who uses "electric" power
Ads to see a movie at table rock or humboldt
a stud horse
See J. L. Covault at his barn west of the Catholic Church, Telephone Number "10."
the stock market had just crashed (october 1929). apparently houses stocked with money were burning down.
Frank taylor, editor of the argus, looks back to May 14, 1887
farewell to old friends
J. C. Beck, owner of a livery and feed stable and local businessman; one of his buildings still stands on the south side of the Square. William Sutton, one of the "old settlers." Frank Werner, friend to all. Table Rock people born in the 1840s, 1850s, the 1860s, and after. Born in Czechoslovakia, born in New York, rarely in Table Rock. William Sutton and Johan Fritz were the oldest -- born in 1844 and 1845 respectively, ages 85 and 86 at death. Myrle Craig, born in 1893, was the youngest, at age 37. Every generation feels that they have discovered what it feels like to fall in love and to grieve the death of a loved one. The feeling is not the reality. In 1930, many a grieving family must have found it hard to turn away from some of these 19 graves.
These are from listings for the Table Rock Cemetery, the Bohemian Cemetery, and the small country cemeteries, but not St. Anthony's in Steinauer.
These are from listings for the Table Rock Cemetery, the Bohemian Cemetery, and the small country cemeteries, but not St. Anthony's in Steinauer.