the year 1882
in the news
It's 1882. You live in Table Rock. On December 2, you get your Argus. You shake it to straighten it then look at the front page "above the fold" as newspapermen say. Here's what you see: Postage may be dropped from 3 cents to 2; how to make your shoes waterproof; a quip about farming sunflower seeds and Oscar Wilde; the population of of the earth; the income of Jay Gould; and more. And lots and lots of ads.
December 2, 1882 -- the Burlington & Missouri. This was the north-south track.
Document - A copy of a Burlington & Missouri Stock Certificate courtesy of Larry Layden, retired railroad man. It is dated 1875, so in 1882, you may still have owned these four shares of stock:
At the top of the social column for Sheridan precint, December 2, 1882:Is Table Rock going to have that bank?
land prices
Real estate for sale by M. H. Marble. Marble had arrived in Table Rock in 1870, taught school, farmed, wrote poetry, sold real estate, eventually moved to town and built a big building (occupied by Billy Bob Laun's dental office and once by the upper bar). He was an interesting fellow, to say the least. And in 1882, he listed the real estate for sale and the selling price. Take a look. I've broken out the main text of the ad below.
Obituary for Mrs. Charles Dort, December 2, 1882. She was "unanimously esteemed" but, as in those times, her first name was not mentioned. It was Cordelia - they called her Abbie. She was the mother of five. She was 49 years old.
Below are links to the FindaGrave memorials for persons in the Table Rock and Bohemian Cemeteries who died in 1882. This list is not a complete list of Table Rock deaths, as there were other cemeteries, notably the Bohemian Cemetery on the other side of the line in Richardson County, as well as little family and church cemeteries.
If you look at the Table Rock Cemetery, more children than adults died. There were six infants and children: little James Betzner followed by his sister little Cora Betzner, little Katie Brown, little Charles Gilbert, little Willie Horton, and little Penkney Tibbets. Other than children, the only deaths were of John Blacklaw (who was 53), Mary Lane (age 59), and Mary Linn (age 32). (Note: As I recall reading, Blacklaw was shot under suspicious circumstances that were eventually ruled as accidental. S. Cerra).
To be sure, there a lot of babies born that year. I don't know how many was average, but of the people buried in the Table Rock Cemetery, virtually all of whom lived to a good age, quite a number (14) were born in 1882: August Babcock, Nellie Bain Binder, Edna Hickman Brock, James Bryant, Roy Buckles, Minnie Calvin, Paulie Carter, Emma Vondrasek Goodenkauf, Frank Goodenkauf, Jonas Sylvester (Vess) Harris, William Hastings, Lou Johnson, Pearl Morton, Josephine Norris, and Mary Hruska Scott. In the Bohemian Cemetery, there were no graves from 1882 at all, but there were the graves of ten people who were born in 1882: Mary Buerstatt, Matilda Werner Fritch, Ben Hrdlitchka, Joseph Jennings, Jan Ruzicka, Rudolf Snabl, Henry Stephan, Mollie Klima Stepanek, Rudolf Tenk, Anna Mach Vrtiska.
If you look at the Table Rock Cemetery, more children than adults died. There were six infants and children: little James Betzner followed by his sister little Cora Betzner, little Katie Brown, little Charles Gilbert, little Willie Horton, and little Penkney Tibbets. Other than children, the only deaths were of John Blacklaw (who was 53), Mary Lane (age 59), and Mary Linn (age 32). (Note: As I recall reading, Blacklaw was shot under suspicious circumstances that were eventually ruled as accidental. S. Cerra).
To be sure, there a lot of babies born that year. I don't know how many was average, but of the people buried in the Table Rock Cemetery, virtually all of whom lived to a good age, quite a number (14) were born in 1882: August Babcock, Nellie Bain Binder, Edna Hickman Brock, James Bryant, Roy Buckles, Minnie Calvin, Paulie Carter, Emma Vondrasek Goodenkauf, Frank Goodenkauf, Jonas Sylvester (Vess) Harris, William Hastings, Lou Johnson, Pearl Morton, Josephine Norris, and Mary Hruska Scott. In the Bohemian Cemetery, there were no graves from 1882 at all, but there were the graves of ten people who were born in 1882: Mary Buerstatt, Matilda Werner Fritch, Ben Hrdlitchka, Joseph Jennings, Jan Ruzicka, Rudolf Snabl, Henry Stephan, Mollie Klima Stepanek, Rudolf Tenk, Anna Mach Vrtiska.
table rock cemetery (No 1882 DEATHS IN THE BOHEMIAN CEMETERY)
The tombstone of Mary E. Linn, Table Rock Cemetery, northwest quarter:
The tombstone of Mary A. Lane, wife of C.H. Lane: