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Click & scroll down to see a genealogy family group sheet shared by Jon Woods. Then keep going to see the things we have in our collection about the Woods family.
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edgar's parents -
john and charlotte small woods
edgar with his parents, charlotte and john edgar:
edgar & his wife alice, and edgar's parents charlotte & john edgar
Charlotte's obituary is a fascinating piece of local history
OBITUARY – MRS JOHN WOODS (Charlotte Small Woods)
Mrs. John Woods Dies in Lincoln Thursday
Pawnee Countian Since Territorial Days Succumbs to Fall Injuries
Was Two and One-Half Years Short of Century Mark
Pawnee countians were saddened Thursday by word that Mrs. John E. Woods had passed away in Lincoln. She was in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, where she had been taken following a fall that fractured her hip Monday of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.M. Haley, also of Lincoln.
While Mrs. Woods had been in Lincoln a little over a year, most of her 97 1/2 years of life were spent in Pawnee county , her home for over three quarters of a century. She was a remarkable woman whose passing removes not only a settler of the counties earliest days, but one whose active spirit and clear mind maintained an interest in home, county, state and world affairs right up to her last days. When she came to Pawnee county the nearest railroad was at St. Joseph, Mo. This frontier town was reached by trails over the prairies and not even a post office had been established here. Although she taught school, few such institutions stood in the county. Indians were daily sights and the threat of them not only hovered around her home but also weighed concern for her husband, himself a pioneer Nebraskan, who used to freight to Kearney, over the plains.
While most of the active years of Mr. and Mrs. Woods’ life were spent farming and ranching here, they operated for a time the present Exchange Hotel which had been built by Mr. Woods’ father, Joseph Woods.
Long years ago removed the last of such pioneers as Mrs. Woods and frequently brought serious illness to the frail appearing woman whose spirit seemed always brightly lighted by an unquenchable flame of interest in life. Her church, home and community were near and dear to her. Her love for her country began in girlhood as she virtually mothered families of her brother and brother-in-law who fought to preserve the union whose growth her avid reading followed through the years.
Her home community cemetery became her resting place Saturday after services at the Presbyterian church here attracted throngs of friends of many generations.
Charlotte Small was born in Ripley county, near Pennsylvaniaburg, Indiana, April 29, 1844. She moved with her parents to Marshall county, Iowa , in 1856. She attended public school two years, was sent to Albion, Iowa, to a select school, and later to the Marshalltown High School, after which she taught in the schools of that vicinity until 1862, when her brother and brother-in -law, each leaving a family of small children, and she was obligated to give up her work in order to help care for their homes.
In the fall of 1864 she came to Pawnee county with her parents, one brother, three younger sisters, and two little girls whose mother had passed away during the war, and whose father had not yet reached home from the war.
They settled on a farm in West Branch precinct, the present home of Mrs. Sam Turnbull. She taught school there in a log house, the first school that had ever been taught in West Branch precinct. She continued teaching until her marriage to John E. Woods, January 11, 1866.
Two years later they moved to a homestead near what is now the town of Steinauer.
Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Woods, six sons and two daughters. Two sons died in infancy, leaving Edgar of Pawnee City, Charles of Lincoln, Nebraska, Bruce of Wadsworth, Texas, Fred of Pawnee City, Nellie, now Mrs. Frank Steinauer of Steinauer, Florence, now Mrs. J. M. Haley of Lincoln.
In August, 1940, Mrs. Woods moved to Lincoln with her daughter, Mrs. Haley.
She leaves six children, twelve grandchildren, seventeen great-grandchildren, and one great great-grandchild. Her husband preceded her in death in 1933.
During her declining years Mrs. Woods was given the faithful untiring devotion of her daughter Florence, who was always at her mother’s side ready and willing to see that her every wish was gratified.
Mrs. Woods was of sturdy pioneer stock of the kind that transformed the territory of Nebraska from sparsely inhabited plains to the fine state that it is today. She knew in her youthful days the meaning of frugality and economy, and after her marriage bent all her energies to the building of home, in which she was successfulShe enjoyed her home, and was an ideal homemaker, her home and her family always being uppermost in her mind. She was a good neighbor, a fine Christian mother, and her life and character were an inspiration to those who knew her best.
Charlotte Woods died October 9, 1941
edgar and his family
a wonderful collection of memories about edgar by grandson john edgar woods, jr., born circa 1926
edgar & his family
here is edgar with his family in 1911
here are the kids in 1959:
lotta woods andrew, uarda woods freeman, gerald woods, john woods, and bernice woods glenn
edgar & alice with children identified as "r. & R."
looks like their grandchildren rob & rich freeman!
Alice died in 1934, five years later, edgar married nellie sherman, who died in 1946. edgar died in 1955.
edgar & alice's son John woods (1896-1971)
Edgar married Velma Kent in 1916. He was also married to Ferne McLaughlin and Rachel Hodges.
john with his wife velma kent woods
john & velma's son, dr. ronald kent woods
Ronald Kent Woods was the son of John Milton Woods and Velma Josephine Kent. George and Cora (Gilbert) Kent were Velma's parents. Edgar and Alice (Marble) Woods were John's parents.
edgar & alice's daughter linnie (1890-1895)
Linnie died when still a little girl. She is buried in the Table Rock Cemetery.
edgar & alice's daughter bernice woods glenn (1891-1978)
Bernice married John Glenn in 1911. She was also married at other times to Thomas Mann and Samuel R. Youds.
1910 class play at the opera house - bernice woods is the girl in white in the middle
bernice in a photo with four generations
Bernice, her son ned, her mother alice marble woods, and her grandfather milton marble
edgar & alice's daughter charlotte ("lotta") woods andrew
Lotta married Raymond Andrew in 1915.
edward & alice's son GERALD (1898-1985)
Gerald married Edna Mae Herrick in 1918. Gerald and Edna are buried in the Table Rock Cemetery.
January 1920 - Gerald Woods bought the building now occupied by the Argus Museum.
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edgar & alice's daughter UARDA woods freeman (1903-1968)
Uarda married Edwin Freeman in 1924.