table rock twins
marie & emma blecha
Vaclav and Katerina (Petrasek) Blecha family in 1891. Back row: Frank, Bertha, Anna, and Joseph. Front row: Rudolph, Fred, Vaclav, Charles, Katerina, and twins Marie and Emma.
hulda & hilda lionberger
Born in 1895, Hilda lived to the age of 96 and Hulda to the age of 98.
mildred & milton carter
They were born in 1909 to Bill and Jane Harris Carter. Bill & Jane had married in 1908, and the twins were their first-born. Mildred at the age of 2, but Milton live until 1987. Their younger brother was Donald Earl (1911-2001).
lloyd & floyd vrTISKA
Born in 1926, delivered by Dr. Edward McCrea.
Here they are at the Bunker Hill country school:
Robert & richard freeman
Born in 1934
lois & larry layden
Larry & Lois were born in 1943 to J. C. and Dorothy Wilcox Layden. Here they are at age 2 on October 1, 1945. Thanks to Larry for sharing this family photo and the others below!
Lois and Larry, from the Class of 1961 commencement program:
carolyn & sharolyn findlay
In 1960, with mom and dad Alice & Harlan, sister Mary Alice, and brother Ed.
John & jim wright
Born in 1960.
robert & richard sitzman
Born in 1963.