norris businesses
c. H. Norris, followed by c. i. norris
c. h. norris store
Photo 982, interior of the Norris Store. Mary Petrasek on the right.
December 2, 1882, C. H. Norris, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, and General Merchandise.
June 14, 1900. C. H. Norris. "I want your butter and eggs and will pay the highest market price for them."
July 1912, the Norris Store. "Something doing at the Norris Store, commencing July 13th." Summer goods on sale. Ladies' lace collars and belts, "wash goods" including plain and fancy flaxons, India Linen and Dimities, grocery departent....
August 15, 1912 -- The C. H. Norris store has a "very attractive" window direction. A "neat, snappy" window display is great advertising.
January 12, 1917 - relocated to the Odd Fellows building:

June 1920:
August 1924:
December 1941, the "Norris Store," Phone number 12. Grocery specials.
c. i. norris store
Photo 844, four tokens for C. I. Norris General Merchandise, taken from E-Bay entry.
The store of C. I. Norris -- a son of C. H. Norris -- can be seen in the background of this 1954 Trade Day picture, Photo 607. This picture was contributed by Historical Society member Edward Tomek.
Document 62, undocumented Christmas greetings from Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Norris: