the methodist youth choir conducted by marion bonham
The is the photograph that is in the Historical Society's collection. It has been damaged, apparently with spots of moisture, but here it is:
This 1953 photo was taken at a television station where the choir (which had been gotten together in about 1950) did a live broadcast. The students who are still with us well remember that big event! Photo 35.
This is a slide show, click to stop it if you want to look closer:
This is a slide show, click to stop it if you want to look closer:
and now you can see what sharing can do. sharylin vrtiska knock was in the choir, too, and she shared pages of her scrapbook about the choir!
Sharylin's collection is all under the label of Photo 7040.
enlarged so you can get a closer look
larry layden
Saying happy birthday to Donna Brown McMann in 2019:
Donna, We will always have the distinction of being two of the shortest members of the Methodist Youth Choir. Remember, we stood together at the end of the first row when they took our picture at our TV appearance. I always felt lucky to stand besides the prettiest girl there. |
sharylin vrtiska knock
This memory is about the choir generally:
The black and white picture of the performance is not only damaged, it is... black and white. When you think of the choir, think RED. Here is the evidence. Young Bill Uhri's robe, donated by his mother, Leota Uhri. Bill was not in the picture of the choir singing at the well-remembered performance, but he apparently WAS in the choir! Judy Aylor donated hers, too, and we'll add a picture later! She WAS in that earlier picture!
a 1982 reunion of the choir
In 1982, some of the grown-up members of the choir gave a memorial performance for Marion Bonham. Marion Bonham was a Navy Lt. in WW II. He landed and recovered troops on D day at Normandy. He was also the choir leader in the 1950s. In 2015, Larry Layden offered this homage as he described his memories of it:
That choir reunion was quite an occasion. The choir was quite famous throughout southeast Nebtaska. We appeared on channel 10 TV back when TV was just getting started. I still have my choir robe. I remember always standing by Donna Brown McCain because we were the same height. I'm sure all the members would enjoy seeing that picture again.
The leader, Marion Bonham, is in the hearts of a lot of people. He was nearly deaf when he led us in song for the last time in 1982. We all had tears in our eyes.