photo collection of brother & sister
cathy rech & pat carter
Cathy and Pat are children of Verlin (Red) Carter.

This is a picture of Bill & Jane Carter, their grandson Billy Carter, Verlin and Betty Anderson Carter, Mabel Anderson (Betty's Mother) and, in front, the little girl is Cathy Rech. This picture was taken in the living room at Bill & Jane’s house on the day that Verlin & Betty were married, Nov 11, 1955. Cathy is the daughter Betty Anderson, who married Verlin Carter; Verlin was the only father she knew. Verlin’s parents were Milton & Hazel Carter. Milton’s parents were Bill & Jane Carter. Bill’s parents were Gibson Gooseberry & Sarah Carter. Billy Carter was the brother of Verlin Carter and Donald Carter. Photo 3160, shared by Cathy Rech.