lists of
civil war veterans
buried in the table rock cemetery
There are a variety of lists of the Civil War veterans buried in the Table Rock cemetery. They are not all the same. There is a list at the Veterans Memorial in the park. In the Historical Society records is a transcript of a 1926 government report, and an undated report by persons unknown. There are also memorials on
1926 -- transcript of a dept. of interior list

Ault, F. W.; Barnard, Samuel; Barnes, Allen; Barrett, J. F.; Blodgett, W. W.; Boggs, William; Boone, Eli T.; Burow, G.; Bush, J. M.; Butler, Ed; Wolfe, C. W.; Cooper, Elias; Cooper, Henry; Crisler, A. S.; Crisler, O. T.; Davidson, R. W.; Decker, Elcana; Edwards, Tilman; Fulton, Alpheus; Gere, John; Gold, Peter; Greiner, Abram; Griffing, Joseph; Hewell, Amos; Horton, Ben; Irwin, J. A.; Jennings, G. W.; Lehman, J. H.; Linn, J. L.; Linn, J. T.; Longwell, J.D. (penciled onto the record); Martin, Wes; McLaughlin, T. C.; Moe, Charles; Mumford, H. L.; Mumford, Luther; Norris, C. H.; Pattison, W. P. ; Perry, W. D.; Shaw, John W.; Shorter, W. T. (penciled onto the record); Smith, Charles R.; Snoke, C. M.; Snyder, L. D.; Stevens, Peter; Sutton, William; Tait, Thomas; Triloff, W. F.; Wheeler, Ephrain; Wilcox, B. L.; Wood, Edgar
Here is a list of Civil War vets, which begins with a sentence fragment about John N. Gere being the first Civil War veteran buried here. There is then a list of all who were buried to date. There were two such lists published. The second was by M. H. Marble, who died in 1940. The date of neither entry is certain.
Here is the second list:

The names on the first list: John Gere, S. Barnard, J. L. Linn, Capt. Thomas A Linn, Eli T. Boone, Thomas Tait, Benjamin Horton, J. F. Barrett, Tilman Edwards, Elias Cooper II, L. Mumford, Geo. W. Jennings, Ephriam Wheeler, Joseph Griffing, Elkahan Decker, W. W. Blodgett, Luther Mumford, and Ephraim Wheeler.