cheese factories & creameries
cheese factories
Giddings had one where Edgar Norris's "modern" house stood in 1927. And Augustine had one in the brick livery barn on Luzerne, where Sitzman Repair is presently located.
1872 - giddings' cheese factory
The September 1927 Argus has an article which says that Charles Giddings had the first cheese factory, which operated from 1872 to 1877, when Giddings died. It was located on the site of the modern home (in 1927) of Edgar Norris, his great grandson.
1927 - augustine's cheese factory
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January 28, 1951 obituary of John Sutton
Photo 188 - The Falls City Creamery, located in what is now the Pioneer Museum of the Table Rock Historical Society. In front of the building are Edwin Freeman, Jay Horton, and Cloyd Freeman.