Horse Shoe lake was north and a little east of town. It probably was made from what was left of an "oxbow" in the Nemaha River. It seems to have been very probably in the 1890s and into the 1900s. I hear that one can still see a depression where the lake used to be.
This is Photo 147c. It is a neat photo, but even better when you look at the details, which you can see better in a slide show below this picture.
This is a 1907 photo of GAR members at Horse Shoe Lake. The GAR -- Grand Army of the Republic -- was an organization of Union Civil War veterans which died out as its last members died. In Table Rock, the last veteran -- Mr. Lehman -- died in 1941, 76 years after the end of the war. This is Photo 116. A retouched version is in the slide show below it.