the allinson family of
table rock, nebraska
Civil War veteran Adam Allinson (1833-1918) came here after the war.
Historical Society member Luella Hinrichsen transcribed his obituary from the Table Rock Argus: Adam Clark, son of Thomas and Sarah Allinson, was born April 13, 1833 at Lynnville, Illinois and died March 21, 1918, aged 84 years, 11 months and 8 days. When a young boy he moved with parents to Macon, Ill. where he lived until he was 21 years of age; at this time he went to the gold fields of California, and remained there several years. While in California he was converted and united with the Methodist Church of which he remained a faithful member until his death. After his return to Macon he was united in marriage to Leonora A. Barrows, Sept. 14, 1858. To this union six children were born, one of whom died in infancy. The five living are Frank, who lives in Pittston, PA, Walter of Turlock, CA, Bert of Sillwater, OK, Mrs. John Endelman of Geneve, CO and Mrs. John Fulton of Table Rock. Mr. Allinson heard his country's call and enlisted on October 15, 1862; he was commissioned second lieutenant of Company E, 115 Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, from which he received an honorable discharge on February 28, 1863 on account of disability. He moved with his family to Table Rock in the fall of 1888. His wife died May 12, 1907. Since then, with the exception of four years spent in California, he had made his home with his daughter, Mrs. John Fulton where he died. Mr. Allinson was transferred to the M.E. Church of Table Rock by certificate Feb 10, 1889 and with the exception of about five years elsewhere has retained that relationship. He has been a blessing by his religious experience and exemplary life. For about fifty years he has held the order of local preacher and has been a member of the order of Masons for about sixty years. He leaves to mourn his death, five children, twelve grandchildren, one great grandchild, one brother, one sister, and many friends. |
Leonora's obituary, also transcribed by Luella:
Mrs. Leonora A. Allinson, wife of Rev. A C Allinson, died at her home in this city on Sunday afternoon at 3:12 o'clock from a complication of asthma and pneumonia. Leonora Barrows was born at Bridport, VT, November 21, 1836; was united in marriage to A C Allinson at Decatur, Illinois, on September 14, 1858; they lived on a farm near Macon, Illinois for about twenty years, came to Nebraska in 1885, and lived for a year on Johnson Creek, then went to Kansas where they lived until the fall of 1888 when they moved to Table Roc where they have lived since. Six children were born to them, one dying in childhood and the others are now living in homes of their own: Mrs. John Fulton, Table Rock; Frank T., Pittston, PA; Walter W, Walthill, NE; Bert, Goodhope, MO; Mrs. John Endleman, Wymore, NE; all living children except Bert were at the funeral. The funeral services were held in the M.E. church at 11 o'clock on Wednesday, conducted by Dr. Kemper of Lincoln, the Eastern Star and Relief Corps being in attendance. She was an earnest Christian from childhood, a devoted wife and mother, her cons latent life leaving its impress for good on all with whom she came in contact. To the bereaved husband with whom she walked life's pathway for nearly fifty years and to the children and grandchildren the sympathy of all is extended. Card of Thanks: We extend our sincere thanks to the many friends for their acts of loving kindness and words of sympathy during our bereavement. A C Allinson and family |
daughter helen allinson endelman |

Helen Allinson. She was a friend of Nellie Griffing Ross Boyd, a member of one of the earliest Table Rock families. After Nellie died, her son Boyd kept her photos of the family but donated photos of friends to the Table Rock Historical Society. Those photos included photos of Helen and Frank Allinson