1913 directory of
the table rock telephone company
This book appears to have been owned by uarda freeman.
Document 57.
before you got to see the numbers, you got two rules:
Rule #1 - use common sense when using the phone
Don't chat with the operators. Leave the receiver on the hook. Don't monopolize the line. If you're on a farm line, limit your calls to five minutes. And....don't pick up the phone if it's not your ring!
That last one will bring a smile to virtually anyone who was on a party line. With a party line, when there was a call, every single phone on the line rang. Each subscriber had a different ring -- two longs and a short, two shorts, etc. So unless it was your ring, you weren't supposed to answer it. Of course, if Mrs. Smith wanted to be snoopy, when she heard Mrs. Jones's ring, she might pick up the phone and try to eavesdrop. Not only might, but did. But, the 1913 Table Rock Telephone Company rules were prohibited that!
That last one will bring a smile to virtually anyone who was on a party line. With a party line, when there was a call, every single phone on the line rang. Each subscriber had a different ring -- two longs and a short, two shorts, etc. So unless it was your ring, you weren't supposed to answer it. Of course, if Mrs. Smith wanted to be snoopy, when she heard Mrs. Jones's ring, she might pick up the phone and try to eavesdrop. Not only might, but did. But, the 1913 Table Rock Telephone Company rules were prohibited that!
Rule # 2 - don't mess with stuff!
instruction guide for how to use a phone!
long distance rates
telephone numbers on the table rock exchange:
Albin, Allen, Anderson, Andrew, Ault, Austin, Argus Office, Asher, Aylor. Bs: Bain, Barnard, Barrett, Beck, Becker, Bethel, Bedea, Bicknell, Bicknell Rstaurant, Billings, Binder, Bivins, Blaker, Blaha, Boeck, Bowen, Bowman, Brock, Broyles, Buckles, Burrow, Bush:
B: Butterfield & Company Elevator, Butler, Carl, CArmichael, CArter, Central Grain Company elevator, Chambers, Chandler, Cherry, Clark, Cochrar or Cochran, Colling, Cotton, Cotton Drug Co., Covault, Cowan, Cramer, Crisler. D: Davis, Day, Depot - CB&Q, Deubelbeiss, Dobrovolny, Dopp, Dow, Dudar. No E. F: Farris, Faulkner, Fellers, Fencil:
F: Fencil (alternate spelling elsewhere, Fencl), Fielder, Fisher, Fleder (alternate spelling elsewhere Flider), Foale, Forester, Frank, Freeman, Fritch, Fritz, Fulton. Gallas, Garage - Fenciul, Gates, Gettle, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glenn, Gold, Goodenkauf, Goodrich, Goodrich, Graham, Greiner, Griffing, Gutzmer:
Hales, Hanna, Hansen, Harter, Harter and Beck Office, Hastings, Hays, Heer, Helmer, Herrick, Hesky, Hickman, Hnizda, Howe, Holliger, Hruska, Hubka, Hunzeker, Hylton, Hylton Drug Store .
Irwin, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Kalina, Karas, Kent, Kovanda, Krofta, Kubick, Lane, Law, Lawson, Layman, Linn, Likes, Livery Barn
Madden, Mapes, Marshall, Martin, Mathewson, McCourtney, McLaughlin, Meat Market, Mertes, Mettlen, Miller, McCrea, McNulty, Miller, Mitchell, Morris, Morton, Moulton, Murphy Hotel, Nedved, Norris:
Parker, Parsonage - Methodist, Petrasek, Pettit, Phillips, Pohlman, Porter, Post Office, Purcell, Reuter, Ritchie, Ritora, Rieley, Robstynek (alternate Rabstejnek?), Sandusky, Scarr - Dentist, Scism, School House, Schultz, Sedlak:
Shawhan, Shaw, Sheeley, Sherman, Shepherd, Shorter, Shubert, Skillet, Smith, Snyder, Snabl, Sochor, State Bank, Stewart, Strejc, Svanda Table Rock Clay Co., Table Rock Lumber Co. Talbot, Taylor, Tenk, Tibbets, Ticky, Tomek:
Uyler, Vaughn, Verteska (alternate Vrtiska), Vitek, Vondrasek, Warner (alternate Werner), Wheeler, Wiar, Widdifield, Wilcox, Williams, Wing, Wolf, Wood, Wopota (alternate Wopata), Zelenka, Zink: